How we got our Best Day in Sales (yet)

and how you can too...

Hey Friend,

this week we had our best day in sales, $300 Net Revenue in one day 👇

Money go brrr

This is for a SaaS with 85% profit margin.

Our traffic is almost exclusively organic.

And has been picking up by us producing long-form content that converts.

That brings me to the point of today’s email.

When it comes to content, it’s not about AI vs. no AI, it’s about effectiveness.

What really matters:

  1. Is it engaging?

  2. Does it convert?

That’s it.

Ranking content that doesn’t convert or no one wants to read is simply a waste of time, even if it makes us feel good (vanity metrics)

And you don’t have enough time…

Until next week,

P.S. Check out my video on this if you’re interested and sub to get the latest.