GPT wrappers are easy...

maybe to build, but not to sell!

Hey Mate,

yes, GPT wrappers are easy, but only to build.

Growing them is just as hard as any other product.

And making them defensible is even harder.

The only way is to build something that utility players like OpenAI won’t touch.

Too small of a market, too niche, too something else.

Or better yet, treat it as a sustaining innovation, meaning that it’s best used to enhance an existing product / workflow.

There really is no AI market.

Below is a longer read on the topic by one of my favorite Entrepreneurs, Jason Cohen. Highly recommend you check it out πŸ‘‡

As for the video of the week, I analyzed the complete funnel for our speech generator tool and what we can do to improve it πŸ‘‡

Prioritizing all the ideas as we speak!

Talk soon,
