Why you need to think like a Jack of All Trades

not a dev or designer or marketer or whatever

Hey đź‘‹,

being a generalist is gonna be the key differentiator in the next decade.

Being a specialist is something that holds you back these days.

It doesn’t help you.

I know because I used to label myself a “developer” and then I labelled myself an “Indie Hacker“.

None of these help because you close off from valuable opportunities.

You think that things have to work a certain way, until you wake up.

Let go of these labels, let go of old ideas.

Change is inevitable, and it’s faster than ever.

When you start letting go of these labels.

That’s where real growth happens.

As it did for me in the last 3 months.

I started:

  • Taking SEO seriously

  • Creating repeatable growth playbooks

  • Trained myself to see opportunities left and right


Let go, and start to grow.

Talk Soon,